Lunch & Learn: Colonial Encounters

212 Broad St 212 Broad Street, Camden, SC, United States

You bring your lunch and we'll provide the learning!What happens to people’s diets when two worlds collide? Find out how life changed for the Indians in South Carolina following European […]


Firearms in June

Revolutionary War Visitor Center 212 Broad St, Camden, SC, United States

The United States is turning 248 years old in July. What’s a better way to celebrate our country’s birth than by learning about the weapons that shaped a new nation? […]

Lunch & Learn: Jane Black Thomas

Revolutionary War Visitor Center 212 Broad St, Camden, SC, United States

You bring your lunch and we’ll provide the learning! Author Sheila Ingle comes back to the Rev War Center to share the history of a lesser known heroine of the […]

8th Annual Kids’ Fourth of July Parade

Camden City Hall 1000 Lyttleton Street, Camden, SC, United States

Kids throughout Kershaw County are invited to show off their patriotic spirit by decorating bicycles, scooters, and wagons and wearing their red, white, and blue for the eighth annual Kids’ […]

Thursday Talks: Indigo

212 Broad St 212 Broad Street, Camden, SC, United States

Heather K. Powers comes and shares the importance of indigo to colonial South Carolina. Event is free Reservations are encouraged